A custom designed and built website

The current version of Movement Science Made Simple‘s website launched September 2022 and builds on the 2019 and 2016 versions we built together. The new site keeps visitors up to date with the school’s courses, when they are run as classes and where, and is also integrated with Teachable. We use the Teachable platform to manage all courses and classes, and to take payments, but it is particularly helpful for online courses & classes: live or on-demand. It’s MSMS’ Classroom.
We redesigned the site in full. We wanted a new logo, typography, and colors. We wanted to show the evolution of MSMS and also offer a more retail experience for students. The color scheme is fresh and different and is intended to reflect the simplicity of the product. It reminds me of Galt toys when I was little. Striking, simple, quality, fun to play with, educational. We used Bodoni in the headers to reflect the maturity of MSMS and Aperçu for the body: an elegant, fashionable, readable, humanist sans-serif font.