The website the custom designed and built open source WordPress template The J A Mortram was made for

Jim Mortram approached me in 2013 to see if I could work with him and replace his Posterous site. If you’ve never visited Small Town Inertia you really should. Experiencing Jim’s work and the dignity with which he tells the stories of the people in his life is one of the most important things I have ever done.
Jim is a carer in his family home and an award winning Social Documentary Photographer. His work is a call for all of us to reflect on our lives and renew our efforts to understand others’ and our own vulnerabilities. Together we can make the world better, isolated we are consumed by our worst selves.
We launched in early 2013. The custom designed and built theme for WordPress the site uses was accepted into the WordPress Theme Directory in April 2013. It’s a simple, elegant one column template with a fullscreen image slideshow designed for photo stories.